Our Event Services

Birthday Party

A new era starts after another year has passed. Whether it’s your 50th birthday or sweet sixteen, we know precisely how to handle such occasions. With the friendly service of our staff and the variety of food choices, your visitors will feel at home. You will undoubtedly create recollections and recall this for the remainder of your life.


The day of one’s nuptials is among life’s most memorable occasions. We know the strain and tension this might place on some couples. We have developed the best planning and refined our management to render the whole thing simple and pleasant. Allow us to assist you with all your decisions and offer suggestions along the road. At Flora Green, many of the most extraordinary and memorable marriages occurred.

Private Party

Organizing your private event at our banquet venue will give you a specialized service tailored to your unique requirements and tastes. Together, you and our team of professionals will design a special bundle with catering, decorations, and amusement choices. Our roomy and contemporary venue can hold various private events, such as cocktail parties, wedding ceremonies, and private meetings. Our outstanding services and facilities ensure a memorable and trouble-free private party adventure.

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